Sundsvalls Kommun

Engelska på Kundtjänst


Engelska ord och fraser på Kundtjänst

ParkeringshusParking garage, indoor parking,
ParkeringsytaParking lot, car park
Parkeringsplats (en plats)Parking space
Markerad p-rutaMarked parking space
Parkeringsplats med elbilsladdningParking space with charging station
HandikapparkeringDisabled parking
ParkeringsautomatParking meter
ParkeringsböterFine / Parking ticket
Angiven parkeringsplats  Specified parking space
Parkeringstillstånd för rörelsehindradDisabled parking permit
ParkeringsavgiftParking fee
Parkeringsavgiften är 10 kr per timmeThe hourly parking fee is 10 kronor
Kan du beskriva var du befinner dig?Can you please explain where you are right now?
RegistreringsskyltLicense plate
Betalning dygnet runtPayment around the clock
Betalning 24 timmarPayment 24 Hours
StäddagarCleaning days
Målning av streckPainting of lines
Sopa gatanSweep the street
SnöskottningSnow shoveling
GatuadressStreet adress
Felanmäla ett potthål eller skada i vägenReport a pothole or damaged road surface
KundserviceCustomer service

Exempel på kommunikation med kund på engelska - parkeringsböter

Hello together,

i have one problem and i hope you can help me. I was parking my car in sundsvall on monday evening 01/11/2021 in the street trädgardsgatan. I was parking my car at 9 pm and i was looking at the traffic signs at the street and there was standing, i don´t need a parking ticket in the tim between 19 till 9, picture of the traffic sign. So i was parking my car there. When i was comming back to my car yesterday morning 02/11/2021 at 7 am i found this yellow paper on my window, also attached.

So in my mind i was thinking i need no parking ticket in this time. I hope you can help me with that problem and we can find a solution for this.

Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Maik Sagewitz


Hello Mike,

Thank you for contacting the Sundsvall Municipality Customer Service. 

The parking sign photo that you have enclosed with your e-mail should be interpreted like this, beginning from the top:

1. P = This is a parking space

2. Avgift = You always need to pay a fee to be allowed to park here

3. 2 tim, 8-19, (9-16), 9-16 in red = On weekdays 8-19, Saturdays 9-16 and Sundays 9-16 you may only park here for a maximum of 2 hours.

4. No parking Onsd 0-7 = On Wednesday 00-07 you are not allowed to park here at all, due to garbage collection days

It is a common misunderstanding that the third sign refers to the fee and not the maximum allowed parking time. I'm sorry that you were misled by the signs. 

I hope that your stay in Sundsvall was a good one, despite the parking ticket.  

Best regards, Kundtjänst



okay then I misinterpreted this traffic sign.

Can you provide me with a bank connection to where I can transfer the fee, and what I have to specify as the purpose of use?

I come from Germany and we use the IBAN system there, so I need an IBAN.

Furthermore, I wanted to politely inquire how much € that would be, since I could only send you € from Germany and no SK.

Best regards Maik Sagewitz


Good morning Maik, 

For questions regarding the payment I'll need to refer you to Transportstyrelsen, which is the Swedish Transport Agency.

They have a contact form at their website where you can ask your question about international payment. There is also the possibility to attach a file to your question and I suggest that you send them the pdf-file with the actual ticket that you sent us yesterday. 

You find the form here:

If it is more convenient, you can also use their e-mail: 

Best Regards, Kundtjänst

Exempel på kommunikation med kund på engelska - bussparkering


 I’m a guide for German bus groups. Each time it’s very hard to find a legal bus-parking possibility. 

After hours of Internet searching on Sundsvall websites and Google Streetview – searching street by street

it was impossible to find any information about legal bus parking.


Last year we stayed in Quality Hotel Sundsvall.


Would you tell me official turistbus (coach) parking areas in Sundsvall?

Maybe you have useful links or documents?


The point is I’m a guide not a driver! If recommend a parking area for my driver it must be right

and official by law. In Stockholm we learned parking for busses is only allowed if there is a special 

bus traffic sign. Independent how much space for cars there is – it’s not allowed for busses.


The local hotels in Scandinavia have mostly no interests to find a solution for their own group guests.

Normally it’s not my job to look for that, but it’s so hard for drivers after a long working day

to find a legal parking space. So I would like to help our drivers in that question.


Please, for your city, please find a solution and place it to your website.


Tack så mycket.

 Hej då.

 Martin Büchner


Hi Martin

Buses can be parked in the slanted parking lots behind Kulturmagasinet, I attached a map image so that you can see where they can be parked.


Med vänlig hälsning, Emmelie, Trafiksektionen


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